People shopping and running

How Your Spending Habits Can Support Diversity and Inclusion

-Diversity in the workplace is having a much-needed moment. However, we can’t let an idea’s sudden popularity fool us into thinking the work is done. Companies taking an interest in diversity is truly just the beginning. We have to make them see that action is more important than words.

At C-Hear, we work to help make content, websites, and programs more accessible in order to expand inclusivity wherever possible. Our CHIF file format gives businesses the ability to easily add screen reader capabilities to their content. This is just one example of how we, as a society, can fight to prioritize inclusion and open up the world to people whose viewpoints have been overlooked through history.

As a consumer, you have power, too. The spending choices you make send a message. When you decide to invest in companies that fight for diversity and inclusion, you tell the market that that’s important to you. In our world, money talks. Here’s how to use yours to shout for diversity at the top of your lungs.

Spend Mindfully

You may already be familiar with the concept of mindful spending in the context of budgeting and saving money. However, you can expand this principle out of your spending categories and into the companies you support. Before you buy something, look into that company’s principles. Do they value diversity in hiring? Does their executive team and management structure actually reflect that value? If it doesn’t now, do they have a clear and achievable plan to change that?

This type of thinking pairs well with budgeting and mindful spending generally. When you’re deliberate about where your money goes, you’ll make wiser choices. And although ethical spending tends to naturally cost more than the alternative, you can still find ways to save money. Big businesses like Macy’s, for example, still fight for diversity but can afford to offer products to suit different price points. Plus, you can find Macy’s promo codes online to make an even smaller dent in the budget.

man, visual impairment, shopping, accessible

Support Local Businesses

A great way to support diversity with your dollar is to shop at small, local businesses whenever possible. There are several reasons this type of spending is effective. First and foremost, you can see a small, local business’s hiring structure with your own eyes. You can look into local minority-owned listing boards to find companies that are run by people in underserved populations.

Your impact as a customer is bigger in small businesses as well. When some anonymous voice shouts “Diversity!” into the void of big business, it can get lost. When your favorite regular, whose drink you know by heart and whose kids you’ve watched grow up, points out the value of diversity, you listen.

Demand Diversity and Accessibility

On that note, don’t underestimate the power of speaking up. Participate in surveys for major companies, and make a note of your interest (or disinterest) in supporting them due to their diversity policies. Encourage others to do the same – when a large swath of potential customers all have the same concern, companies tend to take notice.

Again, your words and ideas can have an even bigger and more direct impact in the small, more personal context of local business. You can make your opinion known at the places you shop. You can also talk to friends who run their own business and encourage them to make those businesses as accessible, diverse, and inclusive as possible.

Not sure you have the right words to make a change? You can always support organizations fighting for diversity and inclusion. There are a lot of national and local nonprofits out there helping businesses identify effective tools for change. You can help make their job easier by donating or volunteering your time.

Diversity in the workplace benefits us all. When we write off large swaths of society and ignore their potential, we hold everyone back. Remember: Humanity is at its best when we work together.

Inclusivity includes and relies on accessibility: Turn to C-Hear for simple, effective accessibility tools for your business.

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